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Weist Law Appointed as Legal Counsel

Updated: Jul 30, 2023

CalMuni PFA appoints Weist Law LLP as the Legal Counsel of the joint powers authority.

As one of California's leading bond counsel firms, The Weist Law Firm has established an outstanding reputation in securities law and municipal bond matters, having advised clients on over $9 Billion in tax-exempt and taxable transactions.

Legal Counsel

The CalMuni PFA board unanimously voted to appoint Weist Law LLP as Legal Counsel of the authority. As a joint powers authority, CalMuni PFA requires specialized counsel on public finance matters, private lending, non-profit lending, real estate laws, tax laws and much more.

Public Finance Experts

Handling public securities, the California-based law practice Weist Law is known for its ability to undertake all types of municipal financing transactions, both routine and complex. We serve federal, state and local governments, banks, investment banking firms and many other entities that seek the counsel of an experienced lawyer in public securities and municipal bond financing matters.

Strong Partnership, Stronger Future

"The Weist Law team couldn’t be more pleased with being appointed as Counsel to CalMuni PFA. We believe that the PFA has a strong vision for the future and we’re proud to be seen as an integral partner for their continued success." - Cameron Weist, Principal, Weist Law LLP

Weist Law, specializing in public finance legal matters, has been a mainstay in the California Public Finance market since its founding in 1989. Headquartered in Los Gatos and Glendale, the team has provided legal opinions on over 650 transactions for agencies across the state. Learn more at

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