We Are CalMuni PFA
Better rates, competitive bidding, lower costs.
California Municipal Public Finance Authority (“CalMuni PFA”) is a G2G (government to government) programmatic lender which is Board mandated to get you better rates through our competitive bidding process. You borrow directly from us, and let us do all the hard work for you. Banks and underwriters are constantly in competition for your business, however, if you work with CalMuni PFA we manage the entire financing process for you from start to maturity relieving you and your staff of the mundane tasks involved with securing funds. In addition, we are an approved program lender for subsidized federal programs for grant and loan monies.
CalMuni PFA is a political subdivision of the State of California established in 2020 under the Joint Exercise of Powers Act as a conduit for the California local government and non-profit entities to issue tax-exempt and taxable financing obligations to finance community-based public benefit projects. CalMuni PFA's mandate is to save local government money through lower costs of issuance and superior interest rates.
CalMuni PFA serves as a G2G conduit lender for locally-approved projects, including public infrastructure and equipment for water, wastewater, solid waste, energy, healthcare, educational facilities, transportation, etc.
Best Interest Rates
CalMuni PFA utilizes a competitive bidding process to reach every active bank and underwriter in the nation, guarantying best interest rates, terms and conditions available in the municipal marketplace.
Lower Cost of Issuance
Since CalMuni PFA utilizes competitive financing practices and acts as a G2G (government to government) lender, we are able to stay competitive with our administration fees and provide you with the lowest cost of issuance for your next project financing.
Trusted Service
CalMuni PFA is a G2G (government to government) organization. We are Board mandated to provide the best service, rates and terms. CalMuni PFA acts as an extension of your organization, always striving to maintain trusted partner status.
50 Years of Experience
Our team is comprised of expert consultants in municipal finance, securities law, tax regulations, real estate transactions, grant writing and political process and involvement.